The latest issue of the SHIFT newsletter has been released!
The SHIFT newsletter features the latest news from SHIFT, the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, the BCSP Foundation, and from our industry partners in the field. This issue contains:
- Examining the Factors Affecting Safety Performance in Industries
- A Model for Assessing and Managing Workplace Ergonomics Risk Factors
- The Hub: The Intersection Where All Safety Professionals Come Together
- Student Research Call for Submissions
- Data for Decision Makers: Finding Policy, Systems, and Environmental Solutions for Public Health Problems (CDC)
- Keep Pace with Evolving Fall Protection Safety Standards (Grainger)
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Safety (NSC)
- An Urgent Call to Address Work-Related Psychosocial Hazards and Improve Worker Well-Being (NIOSH)
We hope you enjoy this resource. The information it contains is designed to drive necessary and powerful change. By sharing information and ideas and turning research into practice, we can create a safer tomorrow.